First week in April

Just an update on things around here at the end of the first week in April. Did I mention we are refinancing? We locked in a 5.0% rate. If you haven't looked into it yet, you really should! We will be saving a nice bundle each month at this new rate. We should close in the next two weeks. Make sure you also consider changing the term of your loan. If you have had your mortage for awhile and started with a 30 yr, it may be worth it to refi and go with a 15 yr or 20 yr term. Those shorter term loans will often give you an even better interest rate!

This week is spring break for the kids, and my husband took it off as well. Our primary focus for the week will be building a new coop (our third...yikes!). We are using recycled wood pallets that we got off of Freecycle. You can check out our progress on that on my Keeping Backyard Chickens blog.

The weather has been absolutely perfect the last few days, and it is well deserved! We have had such miserable weather. March was one of the coldest March's on record here, and it seemed more like January. February was actually warmer overall! I had planted some peas and swiss chard in February, and there has been no sign of them whatsoever. I think the seeds just rotted away in the cold wet weather. Today I planted two packs of Alaska Bush peas, as well as half a packet of spinach and two bags of shallots. I am hoping to get my husband to till the rest of the veggie beds by the end of the week. I also need to get my indoor seeds going as I haven't started them yet! I will only be doing easy to grow things inside like my squashes, cukes and melons. I will by tomato and pepper starts later in May.

Last week I got all my apple trees and raspberries pruned. I have 6 new blueberry bushes that need to get planted this week. I think that sum's up what's happening here lately. What's new with you?